The buzz lately has been about where we will get money when the jobs dry up. The biggest candidate now is a universal basic income. but what scares them at the same time is where exactly will THAT money come from? I was half asleep one night when this struck me, and i typed it on my phone in OneNote. I present it here as written with a bit of editing:
Funds for basic income can be generated on a percentage basis according to how much personal data is used by a company, and paid to that individual. Example: John Q. Public turns his phone on X number of times. The phone manufacturer wants that data to be able to determine how to design the next power switch. That data is worth X amount. And since it comes from John, realized initial profit gets paid to John as part of his basic income.
Granted, this is a simple example, but hey, its another idea that can be implemented
Funds for basic income can be generated on a percentage basis according to how much personal data is used by a company, and paid to that individual. Example: John Q. Public turns his phone on X number of times. The phone manufacturer wants that data to be able to determine how to design the next power switch. That data is worth X amount. And since it comes from John, realized initial profit gets paid to John as part of his basic income.
Granted, this is a simple example, but hey, its another idea that can be implemented